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National Longevity Development Plans: Global Overview 2019 (First Edition)

Government Longevity National Developmen

Aging Analytics Agency announces the publication of a new, 315-page open-access report on the global landscape of Government-led Longevity projects and initiatives, offering comprehensive profiles of multiple nations’ efforts to combat the problem of Ageing Population.


The report, "National Longevity Development Plans: Global Overview 2019 (First Edition)" delivers a comprehensive international overview of the projects, initiatives and efforts that different countries across the globe are making in order to combat the issues associated with populating ageing and to promote the extension and maintenance of their citizens’ Healthy Longevity. It offers comprehensive profiles of relevant initiatives in the UK, Israel, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, China, the USA and the European Union, and utilizes sophisticated analytical metrics to compare the overall strength, focus, proactivity and relevance of their projects to the problem of Ageing Population and the opportunity of Healthy Longevity.


Notably, the report finds that the United Kingdom comes out in the #1 position according to its proprietary comparative analysis, suggesting that the nation is in position to become a leading nation in Healthy Longevity, and to deliver tangible benefits to its citizens through the prioritization of Healthy Longevity as a key component of it’s national strategic agenda, such as increases in its nationwide Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE) and a reduction in the economic burden posed by its Ageing Population.


The report also charts how the nation can most successfully build upon its existing efforts in this direction, such as its listing Ageing Population as one of its four core Industrial Grand Challenges, and the allocation of £300 million to promote industry efforts focused on securing the nation’s position as the world leader in Healthy Longevity. While this leadership potential was arguably apparent even prior to the production of this report, the novel analytical approaches used in assessing the strength of various nations’ Longevity development initiatives validates this notion quantitatively for the first time.


The report charts important next steps that the UK Government can execute in order to translate its efforts into tangible deliverables like increased healthy life expectancy and a thriving Longevity financial industry. Furthermore, because Aging Analytics Agency is the main source of Longevity industry data and analytics for the recently-established All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity, Aging Analytics Agency staff presented some of those conclusions at the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity Strategic Advisory Board meeting in UK Parliament on April 30th, arguing that the UK Government needs to extend existing efforts and create a framework to change the deficit model of the ‘Ageing Society’ to an asset model around ‘Longevity’ and be bold with a national strategy to harness the ‘Longevity Dividend’ to benefit all people in society.


In other words, the nation needs a fully integrated National Healthy Longevity Development Plan. To this end, the development of a Blueprint and Framework for a Government-led National Longevity Development Strategy is one of the core aims of the recently established All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity and its secretariat company, Longevity International UK.

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