Biomarkers of Human Longevity: State of the Market and
Diversity of Practical Applications Q4 2021
Exclusive online event
'Biomarkers of Human Longevity: State of the Market and Diversity of Practical Applications Q4 2021' was a 2-day virtual conference featuring talks and panel discussions among industry leaders, companies, investors and practitioners in the rapidly growing domain of Biomarkers of Human Longevity.
The event provided a state-of-the-market overview and key company and investor takeaways for Q4 2021, highlighted key industry trends, challenges, opportunities and recent developments, and explored the rapidly growing diversity of market-ready, practical applications within the industry.
Organized by Aging Analytics Agency, the Longevity-focused analytical subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, which currently serves as an Official Member Organization of the United Nations NGO Committee on Ageing, a Supporting Partner of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Longevity, and a Founding Member of the APPG for Longevity Secretariat, Longevity International.
Previous Events
“Longevity.International presents: Biomarkers Of Human Longevity” was a virtual 1-day conference that took place June 30, 2021 featuring presentations from a variety of companies, key players and thought-leaders active within the Biomarkers of Human Aging and Longevity Industry.
The event explored the present state of the industry, as well as key strategic challenges and opportunities for translating the potentials of Biomarkers of Human Longevity from theory into practice.
"Practical Applications of Mitochondria Research for Human Longevity and Space Medicine" was a virtual conference that took place June 9-10, 2021, where professionals from Aging Analytics Agency and guest speakers who are Practical Longevity Experts, Space Medicine Experts and Women Influencers shared insights, findings and personal experiences about the Role of Mitochondria in The Practical Human Longevity and Scientific Approaches to Women For Extending Reproductive Longevity.