The UK Longevity Industry Has Reached Its Inflection Point
2018 Has Seen An Astonishing Rise in the Pace of UK Longevity Industry Developments, Poised to Make 2019 the Year of the UK’s True Emergence Onto the Global Longevity Stage.
Aging Analytics Agency announces the publication of a new 1000+ page report on the state of the Longevity Industry in the UK as of Q4 2018. This new report is a follow-up to the first edition of our Longevity Industry in UK Landscape Overview released last year, and features three new chapters, a substantially updated and revisited Executive Summary, and an expanded appendix featuring profiles of 260 Companies, 250 Investors, 50 Nonprofits and 25 Research Centres, as well as an updated list of 55 UK Longevity Influencers and Thought-Leaders. It also features comprehensive infographics that enable the entire industry to be taken-in at a single glance, and an Executive Summary that provides a succinct summary of the report’s scope and major insights, conclusions and forecasts.
In July 2018, Aging Analytics Agency released the industry analytical report, Longevity Industry in the UK Landscape Overview 2018. 845 pages in length, the report outlined the history, present state and future of the Longevity industry in the UK. The report was part of a series profiling the global Longevity industry landscape, which lies at the nexus of geroscience, advanced biomedicine, P3 (precision, preventive and personalised) Medicine, AgeTech and Finance.
This regional case study documented the factors that make the UK well-suited as a global Longevity industry hub, and provided insight on how to foster that potential. To reach its conclusion, the report profiled hundreds of relevant companies and investors, provided an overview of major UK Longevity nonprofits and research labs, and identified major industry trends. The report then utilised comprehensive infographics to distill industry data and conclusions into easily understandable summaries, and offered guidance on how various stakeholders and government officials could work to strengthen the industry and assist the UK to reach its full potential as a global Longevity industry hub.
One of the strongest conclusions of the report was that the UK has enough resources in each of the three most crucial sectors for Longevity—biotechnology, AI and the financial industry—to succeed. However, the nation must focus on cross-sector collaboration and synergetic convergence among disparate but related fields to become a leader in the global Longevity industry. The report further referenced the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of 2017, which was conceived with synergising the development of AI and advanced biomedicine (including digital and P3 medicine) in mind.
Shortly after we published our initial report, it became apparent that the strategy has also begun to accelerate developments in the Longevity sector. For example, the government established the Healthy Ageing Industrial Challenge Fund, rolled out Genomic Medicine Service in England, and began to place particular emphasis on the use of AI to accelerate the development of preventive medicines via its AI Industrial Grand Challenge.
This astonishing growth in the UK Longevity sector prompted Aging Analytics Agency to perform a rapid reassessment just six months following the release of the first edition of the report. The updated version documents new developments, profiles novel players, and adds a revamped executive summary. The numbers of companies and investors highlighted in the Second Edition have almost doubled compared to the original, featuring in-depth profiles of 260 companies and 250 investors in the UK Longevity sphere.
The Second Edition of the report reaches the following key conclusions:
The central role of technology in improving the lives of the elderly has been generally recognised at a governmental level. However, efforts that intelligently direct these technological agendas towards improving healthy Longevity itself have been lacking;
The government needs to focus on tangible methods of healthspan extension and preventive medicine to solve its Ageing Society Industrial Grand Challenge. This should be done in coordination with nearer-term initiatives focused on growing their AgeTech market and Ageing and Longevity-related financial reform, as opposed to purely symptomatic treatment of age-related diseases. More focus should also be placed on synergising Longevity and AI industries to reap the benefits of accelerated development.
The UK also needs to proactively form overarching industry bodies to direct, guide and govern ongoing developments in the UK Longevity Industry, just as they did for their AI industry through the formation of an All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI and the appointment of a Minister of AI.
"A new industry is more than just a collaboration between existing industries. It means a new direction, with new objectives and new metrics. This requires intelligent coordination. And in the British political tradition, this means a governing body equivalent to the UK’s recently created Ministry for AI. Only when we begin to see Lords committees and government ministries explicitly concerned with Longevity, can we confidently claim there is a Longevity industry decisively underway in the UK," said Dmitry Kaminskiy, founder of Aging Analytics Agency.
This new UK report will be followed by the publication of several other region-specific reports throughout the coming weeks, including Longevity Industry in Israel, Longevity Industry in Singapore, and Top 100 Media and Journalists Covering Advanced Biomedicine and Longevity. Aging Analytics Agency also has a number of open-access regional case studies and specialised, domain-specific reports scheduled for publication throughout 2019, including:
Longevity Industry in Switzerland
Longevity Industry in Japan
Longevity Industry in Hong Kong
Longevity Industry in California
Advancing Financial Industry / AgeTech / Longevity
Longevity Industry and the Microbiome
Precision Medicine Clinics Global Landscape Overview
Global Longevity Industry Landscape Overview: Second Edition
In order to accommodate its significantly expanded scope of activities planned throughout 2019-2020, Aging Analytics Agency has also enhanced its executive management team with the addition of several experienced Longevity Industry experts and influencers, including the appointment of Eric Kihlstrom (former Interim Director of the £98-million Healthy Ageing Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund) as the new Director of Aging Analytics Agency.
The full report can be accessed via the following link:
Aging Analytics Agency is the world’s premier Longevity Analytics company, dedicated to the production of analytical reports on the topics of Longevity, Precision Preventive medicine and AgeTech. It is the only analytical company focused exclusively on Ageing, Geroscience and Preventive Medicine. Operating for over five years, it began producing in-depth reports on Longevity long before it emerged as an industry. The company also provides strategic consulting in the fields of Longevity and Economics of Aging.