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Aging Analytics Agency Appointed by Inward Investment Arm of Greater Manchester Combined Authority to Profile Greater Manchester’s Healthy Ageing Assets

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Aging Analytics Agency has been appointed by MIDAS, the inward investment arm of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority) to conduct an analytical survey and profiling of the municipality’s healthy ageing assets (companies, investors, R&D Hubs, etc), to strengthen and help the local Manchester government to meet the goals set out in their Local Healthy Ageing Industrial Strategy.

"Aging Analytics Agency is the only analytics entity exclusively focused on examining healthy ageing and is uniquely positioned to provide MIDAS and key stakeholders within the city region with a detailed analysis of Greater Manchester’s longevity landscape including the identification of companies, investors, R&D hubs, academic institutions and industry professionals operating within this field." - Official MIDAS Press Release

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It is quite notable that, in addition to the UK federal government’s Healthy Ageing Industrial Strategy, municipal hubs are now independently making the Healthy Longevity of their citizens a political priority. While Manchester is the first, we are sure that others will soon follow. And we think that it is possible that such local hubs may even make more progress on this front than the federal government by tapping into expert resources to profile and benchmark their local assets, and refine their local strategies. 


Governments now have all required technologies and tools available to improve the health of their citizens, and failure to do so is entirely the result of a lack of will, and responsibility, not technology or resources. However, only those governments willing to embrace the integral use of modern technologies and deep AI-driven comparative analytics to optimize their political and industrial Longevity strategies will be likely to succeed. 


As a Supporting Partner for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity, a Founding Partner of the APPG for Longevity secretariat Longevity International and an Official Member of the United Nations NGO Committee on Ageing, Aging Analytics Agency has been active in the realm of UK and international Longevity Policy and Governance for several years now, utilizing AI-driven big data analytics benchmark and profile national and local industry strategies, Longevity policy initiatives and strategies, and more. 


Initially these were on the national and international scale, but we are now doing the same for various municipalities (including Abu Dhabi, Geneva and Tokyo) in a more precise and locally-tuned manner, starting with Manchester via our appointment by the Local Manchester Combined Authority’s inward investment arm, MIDAS.   

One upcoming project includes a detailed analysis, commentary and benchmarking of a set of recommendations made in a new report by the UK Government by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, on various shortcomings of the UK Government to meet their goal of adding 5 extra years of healthy life to their citizens by the year 2035. Aging Analytics Agency provided evidence for that report in 2020, and now we are following up with an updated set of our own recommendations, as well as a comparative ranking of the House of Lords’ recommendations vs our own.

House of Lords


Aging Analytics Agency


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Another such project is the Longevity Policy and Governance Dashboard, which uses Big Data analytics, AI, and deep learning algorithms for the profiling, comparative analysis, benchmarking, automated SWOT analysis and semi-automated practical recommendations for national and municipal Longevity Policy strategies and initiatives tuned to the specifics of individual territories, providing the necessary set of tools to enable national governments, individual economy, healthcare and industrial development industries, international policy organizations and other responsible stakeholders to formulate and implement policies and development strategies capable of transforming the challenge of ageing into the opportunity of Healthy Longevity for the mutual benefit of their citizens and their economy.


The analytical technologies and approaches applied in the dashboard were first developed and validated as part of Aging Analytics Agency’s Longevity Industry dashboards, but have recently been re-tuned and applied to the even more complex arena of Longevity Policy, which is even more complex to model and predictive forecast than the Longevity industry, involving interaction between not just technologies and industry players, but also national healthcare systems, financial systems, governmental policy and society, all at once.

  • Reinforcement learning for comparative Longevity Policy analysis

  • Longevity policy initiative and development plan benchmarking (ranking)

  • Semi-automated SWOT analysis on region-specific  Longevity governance and policy projects

  • Semi-automated Practical recommendations to optimize Longevity policy and governance strategy

The dashboard alpha available at, with several more advanced features planned to be rolled out as part of the dashboard Beta, scheduled for release in Q2 2021, including reinforcement learning for comparative Longevity Policy analysis, automated Longevity policy initiative and development plan benchmarking (ranking), automated SWOT analysis on region-specific Longevity governance and policy projects and semi-automated Practical recommendations to optimize Longevity policy and governance strategy.


Meanwhile, Aging Analytics Agency is already working on a number of other national and international Longevity policy projects, including an AI-driven big data benchmarking of political parties with the greatest activity, potentials and likelihood of making the Healthy Longevity of their citizens a strategic policy priority, among others. 


The Longevity Industry has reached a point where politics has become one of the most important factors on which its future depends. The political, economic, and industrial capital that municipal and national government control and dispense is larger than any other industry stake-holder, and the stakes are proportionately higher, given that they are tasked with maintaining and optimising the wellbeing and quality of life of their national population, and the size, integrity and stability of their national economy - or, in other words, the health and wealth of their nation. 


The future Longevity, from both an industrial and economic perspective and from the standpoint of population health and wellbeing, must now be driven forward by political will, with governmental authorities using their powers of coordination to emulate the experience of countries such as Singapore, which have the smallest gaps between life expectancy and HALE, and avoid word-caste examples of others. 


If governments fully invests their resources and political will into this approach - utilizing its many existing strengths and resources in synergy rather than isolation, utilizing sophisticated and modern approaches for analytics and benchmarking to adopt best-case examples internationally, and using modern, market-ready technologies to both execute and track progress on its mission towards improved Local and National Healthy Human Longevity, they are likely not only to neutralize some of the most dangerous sources of economic and societal instability on the horizon, but to reap the full economic and societal benefits of transforming the challenge and deficit of ageing population into the opportunity and asset of Healthy Longevity.


The future of Longevity Policy and Governance is bright, and Aging Analytics Agency is proud to be pushing forward developments in this arena as a major part of its overall strategic agenda for 2021 and beyond.


About Aging Analytics Agency

Aging Analytics Agency is the flagship Longevity-focused analytical subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, current serving as a supporting partner for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity, a Founding Partner of the APPG for Longevity Secretariat Longevity International, and an official member organization of the United Nations NGO Committee on Ageing. It is the only specialized analytics agency in the world that focuses exclusively on the emerging Longevity Industry. They are recognized internationally as the premier analytics agency for advanced data analysis, industry reports and next-generation infographics on the topics of Aging and Longevity. Now in its 7th year, Aging Analytics Agency has been on the frontlines of Longevity Analytics since the inception of the industry.

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