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Other Interactive Comparative Analysis Graphs and Charts

This interactive chart depicts the sum of all scores across all recommendations within each categorical metric of Aging Analytics Agency's recommendation benchmarking framework, for both sets of recommendations (House of Lords

and Aging Analytics Agency).

This interactive chart presents the average of all scores across all recommendations the sum of all scores divided by number of recommendations) within each categorical metric of Aging Analytics Agency's recommendation benchmarking framework, for both sets of recommendations (House of Lords and Aging Analytics Agency).

Total Scores by Metric (House of Lords)

Total Scores by Metric (Aging Analytics Agency)

Total scores

This interactive chart illustrates the total number of

recommendations made by the House of Lords report

within each of the three tiers encompassed by Aging Analytics Agency's Recommendation Benchmarking Framework.

This interactive chart depicts the total number of

recommendations made by Aging Analytics Agency within

each of the three tiers encompassed by Aging Analytics Agency's Recommendation Benchmarking Framework.

Recommendations by Tier (House of Lords)

Recommendations by Tier (Aging Analytics Agency)

This interactive chart depicts the total number of recommendations from both agencies

which belong to each of several general themes\topics.

Recommendations by Theme

This interactive chart illustrates the total number of recommendations made by the House of Lords report that fall within 9 distinct thematic recommendation categories, corresponding to the different aims and natures of the total set of recommendations.

This interactive chart illustrates the total number of recommendations made by the Aging Analytics Agency report that fall within 9 distinct thematic recommendation categories, corresponding to the different aims and natures of the total set of recommendations.

Recommendations by Theme (Aging Analytics Agency)

Recommendations by Theme (House of Lords)

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