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Precision Medicine Clinics 

Landscape Overview 2019 

Most Advanced Clinics Technologies and Methods

Teaser Precision Medicine Clinics Landsc

Aging Analytics Agency is currently producing a comprehensive, 1000+ page report on the precision medicine clinics industry landscape, Precision Medicine Clinics Landscape Overview 2019: Most Advanced Clinics, Technologies and Methods, profiling the top 100 precision medicine clinics globally, as chosen according to a comprehensive, multidimensional analytical framework that uses tangible, quantitative metrics to rank the level of clinics’ scientific validation, technological sophistication, level of business development, and level of personalised, preventive care they are able to offer to their clients.


The report is designed to answer three specific questions of key strategic importance to the success of precision medicine clinics:


  • What leading personalised and preventive therapies, diagnostics, prognostics, technologies and techniques can clinics add to their existing pipeline to maximize their competitive advantage?

  • What it the optimal assembly of advanced precision health technologies and services , and how can it be integrated into clinics’ existing scope of produces and services in the most ideal manner?

  • What techniques and technologies will become market-ready in the 3-5 year horizon? What technologies should be should be watched closely for integration into clinics’ existing pipelines within the next several years?


This 1,000+ page report is scheduled, to be produced over the next  3-6 months, with a new edition of this report during each financial quarter, incrementally increasing its breadth and  depth, with each edition providing a deeper, more comprehensive and more precise understanding of the landscape. It will deliver:


The report is designed to optimize the strategic business development and decision making of the leading precision medicine and precision health clinics globally, and to offer key guidance on leading precision health methods and technologies, and which emerging tools and therapies will be market ready within the next several years. It will deliver:

  • Concrete deep analysis of which technologies and therapies are available today
  • Tangible estimations of what we can expect in 3-5 years horizon, which new technologies and treatments will be  market-ready by 2020-2022,

  • Practical guide to the optimized pathway for assembling the best possible combination of technologies and  treatments today and tomorrow.


The parties who will have early access to this report will gain deep expertise on how they can optimize their clinics’ strategic, technological and scientific prospects in order to deliver the most sophisticated and comprehensive precision health products and services for their clients.

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